Monday, April 5, 2010

Pirates, Orphans, A Garden & Music

The girls have been very busy with auditions lately. First off Parsley Elementary has their end of year show "Pirates" staring Emilia Torello as the lead pirate. Emilia has also received an ensemble part in the musical "The Music Man" on Thalian Halls main stage (her first).

Arianna has also gained some recognition in our small town as well. She has won the part as an Orphan and as one of the members of Fagin's gang in "Oliver". She is most excited however about her first and biggest role to date as Mary, the lead in "The Secret Garden" both on Thalian's main stage.

Performace Dates:

OLIVER: Thursday May 13 - Sunday May 16

PIRATES: June 3rd.

THE MUSIC MAN: Wed July 7 - Sunday July 11
Friday, July 16 - Sunday, July 18
Friday, July 23 - Sunday, July 25

THE SECRET GARDEN: Wednesday, September 1 - Sunday September 5
Friday September 10 - Sunday September 12

Come one come all!

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