Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You're gonna be...(Video)

Emilia performs with our Pastor Steve Hein.


  1. Brava! I loved every minute. You were great! xoxo Judy

  2. Wow. Amazing. Enjoyed every second. Some nice notes and great interpretation - made even more funny with the pastor as the subject of the song. Well done, Emmy! I'm so proud of you!!!
    PS. How come I have not seen this blog site before? :) Was that your garage - the victim of the grease fire? Beach house looks incredible. Love you all.

  3. Great job Torello girls:) Emmy, your voice gets more beautiful each year and bravo to you taking on a solo in front of all those people!!!

    Cant wait to see you all soon.

  4. Shannon MansfieldMay 8, 2009 at 1:47 PM

    Dear Emmy,

    I am so impressed! You sounded great and I can't believe how confident you were to sing and act in front of all those people. I'm so proud of you and look forward to seeing you on stage at your end of year show.

    Miss Shannon

  5. HAHAHAHA!! This is the best thing I have seen. Steve was great and all, but Emilia!! I love your voice-and your confidence!! You were better than any Glinda I have seen. That was hysterical and I can't wait for Stuart to see it. I am bummed we missed the show! Y'all better watch out b/c I may come kidnap your girls in the middle of the night, I love them so much.
