Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dinner and a Movie: Mandie & the Secret Tunnel Premier

William Yelton was one of our old neighbors in Windward Oaks. He had his first major film role as Joe Woodard in Mandie and the Secret Tunnel. Our family was invited out to dinner with them and to watch the movie at Thalian Hall and of course to celebrate Arianna's official birthday.

Emilia, Amanda Waters, Arianna, Lexi Johnson & William Yelton at Siena

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School: Day 1

The girl's first day of school.
Emilia: Back to Parlsey
Arianna moving on to Roland-Grise Middle School

Saturday, August 22, 2009

SACPC "D" Group Initiation

Arianna is awoken by memebers of her church group for the kickoff breakfast gathtering.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Other Side

Arianna & Madeline's Birthday Party

The girls celebrated their birthmonth together by throwing a pool party with most of their classmates from last year. Arianna and Madeline (Hulbert), right of Arianna, arranged and planned the entire party by themselves. Mom's just had to do the driving.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

NY Day 2

Shake Shack: Considered some of the best burgers in NYC

Touring Central Park by Carriage

Southside of Central Park

Sings us Happy Birthday (Arianna wore her birthday crown the entire day.)

Liberty Island?

Sweep the Sox 4 games!

Nice way to end the weekend.

Live from NY

Saturday, August 8, 2009

NYC Day 1

View of the Hudson from the Winter Garden Cafe (Ground Zero)

Outside Palace Theatre after the show.

Headed down Times Square.

53rd & Broadway

Empire State Building (view near our hotel).

Monday, August 3, 2009 up and running

Please provide and critical feedback and suggestions to help improve the sites design/info/layout. We should be on all the major real estate sites by end of today.
MLS ID #436675

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lots of action

Ribbon fish are chasing the bait making for an easy catch.
Tracey Torello